Sunday, February 28, 2010

തിലകനോട് വിരോധമോ നിസ്സഹകരണമോ ഇല്ല: മമ്മൂട്ടി [Install malayalam fonts to read this post]

ആലപ്പുഴ: തിലകനുമായി യാതൊരു വിരോധമോ നിസ്സഹകരണമോ ഇല്ലെന്ന് മമ്മൂട്ടി പറഞ്ഞു. ഇനിയും തിലകനോടൊപ്പം അഭിനയിക്കാന്‍ തയ്യാറാണ്. അദ്ദേഹത്തിനെതിരെ യാതൊരു വിലക്കുമില്ല. ഞാന്‍ ഒരിക്കലും മഹാനായ നടനാണെന്ന് പറഞ്ഞുനടന്നിട്ടില്ല. ഒരു നടനെന്ന നിലയില്‍ എനിക്ക് ആത്മവിശ്വാസമുണ്ട്. അതില്ലാത്തവരാണ് താന്‍ ഒരു മഹാനടനാണെന്ന് എപ്പോഴും പറഞ്ഞുനടക്കുന്നത്. എന്നെ
സംബന്ധിച്ചിടത്തോളം അത്തരമൊരു പ്രശ്‌നമില്ല-മമ്മൂട്ടി പറഞ്ഞു. തിലകന്‍ 'അമ്മ'യില്‍ നിന്ന് മാറിനില്‍ക്കരുത്. ഞങ്ങള്‍ക്കെല്ലാം കാരണവരെപ്പോലെയാണ് അദ്ദേഹം. 'അമ്മ'യ്‌ക്കൊപ്പം നിന്ന് ഞങ്ങള്‍ക്കെല്ലാം വഴികാട്ടുകയാണ് അദ്ദേഹം ചെയ്യേണ്ടത്. ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ വിവാദത്തില്‍ നിഴല്‍യുദ്ധമാണ് നടക്കുന്നത്.

സുകുമാര്‍ അഴീക്കോട് മഹാനായ സാഹിത്യകാരനാണെന്ന് മമ്മൂട്ടി പറഞ്ഞു. അദ്ദേഹത്തോട് ബഹുമാനമുണ്ട്. അദ്ദേഹം വിഗ്ഗിനെക്കുറിച്ചും മറ്റും പറഞ്ഞത് വ്യക്തിപരമായ കാര്യങ്ങളാണ്. വയസ്സായാല്‍ അഭിനയം നിര്‍ത്തണമെന്ന ആവശ്യത്തോട് യോജിക്കാനാവില്ല. അമിതാഭ് ബച്ചന്‍ അടുത്തകാലത്ത് അഭിഷേക് ബച്ചന്റെ മകനായി അഭിനയിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. പുരുഷസൗന്ദര്യത്തിന്റെ പ്രതീകമായ കമലഹാസന്‍
സ്ത്രീയായി അഭിനയിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. കലാമണ്ഡലം കൃഷ്ണന്‍നായരെപ്പോലെയുള്ള കഥകളി നടന്‍മാര്‍ വയസ്സായിട്ടും അഭിനയിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടെന്ന് മമ്മൂട്ടി ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടി.

മറ്റുള്ളവര്‍ എഴുതിയ ഡയലോഗുകള്‍ കാണാപ്പാഠം പഠിച്ചാണ് നടന്‍മാര്‍ പറയുന്നതെന്ന അഴീക്കോടിന്റെ ആരോപണത്തിനും മമ്മൂട്ടി മറുപടി പറഞ്ഞു. അഴീക്കോടിനെപ്പോലെ മഹാന്‍മാരായ, അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ അതിലും മഹാന്‍മാരായ എം.ടി.വാസുദേവന്‍ നായര്‍, തകഴി. പത്മരാജന്‍ എന്നിവരൊക്കെ എഴുതിയ ഡയലോഗ് ആണ് നടന്‍മാര്‍ പറയുന്നത്.

മോഹന്‍ലാല്‍ സഹോദരന്റെ സ്വത്ത് തട്ടിയെടുക്കാന്‍ ശ്രമിച്ചെന്ന അഴീക്കോടിന്റെ ആരോപണം തന്നെ വല്ലാതെ വേദനിപ്പിച്ചെന്ന് മമ്മൂട്ടി പറഞ്ഞു. കഴിഞ്ഞ 30 കൊല്ലമായി മോഹന്‍ലാലുമായി താന്‍ സംസാരിക്കാത്ത ദിവസങ്ങള്‍ കുറവാണ്. ആദ്യകാലത്തെ തന്റെ വരുമാനത്തിന്റെ വലിയൊരുപങ്ക് സ്വന്തം സഹോദരനുവേണ്ടി ചിലവാക്കിയ മനുഷ്യനാണ് ലാല്‍. അദ്ദേഹം അങ്ങിനെ ചെയ്യുമെന്ന് താന്‍
വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നില്ലെന്ന് മമ്മൂട്ടി പറഞ്ഞു.

സത്യത്തിനും നീതിയ്ക്കും വേണ്ടിയാണ് അഴീക്കോടിനെപ്പോലുള്ള സാംസ്‌കാരിക നായകന്‍മാര്‍ നിലകൊള്ളേണ്ടതെന്ന് അദ്ദേഹം പറഞ്ഞു. ഇതോടെ തിലകന്‍ വിഷയത്തില്‍ അഭിപ്രായം പറയുന്നത് 'അമ്മ' അവസാനിപ്പിക്കുയാ
മോഹന്‍ലാല്‍ സഹോദരന്റെ സ്വത്ത് തട്ടിയെടുക്കാന്‍ ശ്രമിച്ചെന്ന അഴീക്കോടിന്റെ ആരോപണം തന്നെ വല്ലാതെ വേദനിപ്പിച്ചെന്ന് മമ്മൂട്ടി പറഞ്ഞു. കഴിഞ്ഞ 30 കൊല്ലമായി മോഹന്‍ലാലുമായി താന്‍ സംസാരിക്കാത്ത ദിവസങ്ങള്‍ കുറവാണ്. ആദ്യകാലത്തെ തന്റെ വരുമാനത്തിന്റെ വലിയൊരുപങ്ക് സ്വന്തം സഹോദരനുവേണ്ടി ചിലവാക്കിയ മനുഷ്യനാണ് ലാല്‍. അദ്ദേഹം അങ്ങിനെ ചെയ്യുമെന്ന് താന്‍
വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നില്ലെന്ന് മമ്മൂട്ടി പറഞ്ഞു.

സത്യത്തിനും നീതിയ്ക്കും വേണ്ടിയാണ് അഴീക്കോടിനെപ്പോലുള്ള സാംസ്‌കാരിക നായകന്‍മാര്‍ നിലകൊള്ളേണ്ടതെന്ന് അദ്ദേഹം പറഞ്ഞു. ഇതോടെ തിലകന്‍ വിഷയത്തില്‍ അഭിപ്രായം പറയുന്നത് 'അമ്മ' അവസാനിപ്പിക്കുയാണെന്ന് മമ്മൂട്ടി വ്യക്തമാക്കി. ഇനി ഒരു പൊതുവിവാദത്തിന് അമ്മയ്ക്ക് താല്പര്യമില്ല. വി.ആര്‍.കൃഷ്ണയ്യരെപ്പോലെ സാമൂഹികബോധമുള്ള ഒരാള്‍ ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടതിന്റെ
പശ്ചാത്തലത്തില്‍ കൂടിയാണ് ഈ പിന്‍മാറ്റം. ഈ വയസ്സിലും പുരോഗമനചിന്തകള്‍ക്കുവേണ്ടി നിലകൊള്ളുന്ന കൃഷ്ണയ്യരുടെ വാക്കുകള്‍ മാനിക്കുന്നുവെന്ന് മമ്മൂട്ടി പറഞ്ഞു.
തൃശൂര്‍: മമ്മൂട്ടിയുടെ ശബ്ദം പൊതുസമ്മതിയുടേതാണെന്ന് സുകുമാര്‍ അഴീക്കോട്. സിനിമയ്ക്ക് അതിന്റെ സാംസ്‌കാരിക ശബ്ദം തിരിച്ചുകിട്ടിയിരിക്കുന്നു. ഇത് നേരത്തെ നടന്നിരുന്നുവെങ്കില്‍ പല പ്രശ്‌നങ്ങളും ഒഴിവാക്കാമായിരുന്നു.

ഇന്നസെന്റിന്റെയും മോഹന്‍ലാലിന്റെയും പ്രസ്താവനകള്‍ സാഹചര്യത്തിന്റെ സമ്മര്‍ദ്ദം മൂലമാണെന്നും അഴീക്കോട് പറഞ്ഞു.

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Mammootty's voice has a cultural purity to it: Azhikode

The Malayalam film industry that was literally reeling under the controversy that was raging within, got a breather today morning after Mammootty spoke to the press today for the first time since the Thilakan issue had cropped up.

The megastar of Malayalam films was dignity personified in his statements when he tried to clarify the confusion that is prevailing at the moment.

Sukumar Azhikode, the acclaimed orator who was caught in the midst of the storm, and who was engaged in a verbal tussle with the other megastar of Malayalam films, Mohanlal is all praise for the way in which Mammootty has responded to the issue today.

Azhikode was talking to representatives of the media at Thrissur, when he said that Mammootty's voice has a cultural purity to it. This is the voice of public acceptance. He also said that he believed that Mohanlal and Innocent spoke the way they did forced by the circumstances.

Azhikode also commented that had Mammootty responded earlier, several of these statements could have been left unuttered.

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AMMA ready to hold a meeting as and when Thilakan is ready: Mammootty

Megastar Mammootty at the press conference at Muhamma today said that all issues that Thilakan had with AMMA could be solved through discussions.

Thilakan has notified AMMA that it was impossible for him to come for a meeting on the 1st of March. AMMA is therefore ready to conduct the meeting as and when he is ready.

Mammootty said that he believed that some people have led Thilakan to the false belief that AMMA was against him. Thilakan should be with AMMA, as a member of AMMA. He should not stay away from AMMA, Mammootty added.

Mammootty had arrived for the press conference along with Prithviraj from the sets of 'Pokkiri Raja'.

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Mammootty finally breaks silence; says a shadow war is on

Megastar Mammootty who had remained silent all this while, despite numerous allegations leveled against him by actor Thilakan, has finally chosen to break his dignified silence.

The actor said today that what was going on was a shadow war. Mammootty was speaking for the first time on the controversy at a press conference at Muhamma.

There are no issues with Thilakan, Mammootty said. If the senior actor was willing, he would have no problems acting with him at all. AMMA would solve all these problems amicably. However there would not be any more public discussions on this issue.

Mammooty also said that he has never claimed that he was a great actor. Only people who are not confident about themselves do that. He doesn't need to do that since he has confidence in himself.

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Mammootty seeks end to Thilakan controversy

Breaking his silence on the controversy in the Malayalam film industry surrounding veteran actor Thilakan, actor Mammootty has said the entire episode was pointless and uncalled for. The Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA) did not want the controversy to go on.

Talking to the media on the location of his latest movie, 'Pokkiriraja' at Muhamma near here on Saturday, Mr. Mammootty said AMMA was ending the public discussion and the "media controversy" on the issue and that the differences of opinion would be sorted out within the AMMA. The whole episode was over "absolutely nothing" and part of a "shadow war" by vested interests, he said.

"I have no issues at all with Mr. Thilakan, and there is no question of any non-cooperation with him. Somebody has misled him," Mr. Mammootty said, stating that he was not worried about the reported statements of Mr. Thilakan about him.

"I am ready to act with him, if he is ready to act with me," he said.

"However, a senior artiste like Mr. Thilakan should sort out through talks whatever issues he has within the association, which is a big family. In fact, he should be an elder brother to all of us and guide us when we are wrong. But when he stands away from AMMA and criticises us, that hurts," he said.

Mr. Mammootty also said that statements made by orator-critic Sukumar Azhikode were unwarranted.

"He is a great writer and I have a lot of respect for him. In fact he had very nice words about me when he released a book on me recently. But being a cultural leader in the society, he should stand by truth and justice. His statements on Mohanlal's personal issues are totally baseless and unfair. I have known Mohanlal for the last 30 years and I very well know that the statement is wrong. It is also very upsetting," he said.

On the reported personal attacks by Mr. Azhikode and Mr. Thilakan, Mr. Mammootty said he never went about saying that he was an actor par excellence. He had confidence that he could act and there was no need to go about announcing that. Make-up and playing younger characters were part of cinema, and actors like him and Mr. Mohanlal were not continuing their onscreen persona in real life, he added.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pramani to release on March 26th...Flexes started appearing all over Kerala

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Mammootty's 3 day combodia visit's photos...

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Mammootty and Mohanlal exhort fans to exercise restraint

The megastars of Malayalam films Mammootty and Mohanlal have exhorted their fans to exercise restraint.

This is in wake of the latest events that have unfurled as a result of the controversy that was started by veteran actor Thilakan against the superstars.

A couple of days back much acclaimed orator and writer Sukumar Azhikode had joined the fray in support of Thilakan and had hurled attacks at the superstars.

Following his highly caustic remarks against Mohanlal, fans of the actor had burned his effigy yesterday. Azhikode had retorted with an equal fervor that those who were burning his effigy should take care that their clothes don't catch fire.

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PokkiriRaja stills...

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Azhikode accuses Mohanlal of snatching away brother's property

Sukumar Azhikode came up with some serious allegations against Mohanlal during his press conference at Kozhikode yesterday, when he alleged that the actor had snatched away his brother's property.

Azhikode said that a senior officer at the Secretariat had told him that Mohanlal had snatched away brother Pyarelal's property from his wife and child. Azhikode said that actors should have atleast a bit of goodness of the characters that they portray on screen. He was ready to withdraw his statement if proved false.

Mohanlal had said that Azhikode has not written a book after 'Thathwamasi'. Azhikode retaliated by saying that this was because it was such an enormous philosophical document. It is impossible to write books continuously, since writing is different from acting.

Azhikode asked if Mohanlal was doing the kind of characters that were befitting his age. He quoted the example of actor Ashok Kumar as one who had aged gracefully. It was futile for an old man to try to be young again. Azhikode added that we would have to see Mohanlal walking like an old man sooner or later.

The orator's comments turned out to be even more caustic and sarcastic when he referred to an ad in which Mohanlal was seen acting with Hema Malini.

He also compared the actor to a donkey carrying saffron, without knowing what the real value of saffron was. Azhikode was referring to Mohanlal's comments on 'Thathwamasi' and he said that Mohanlal was talking about the book without even having a clue as to what the book was all about.

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Mohanlal is frantic because of his waning youth: Azhikode

Sukumar Azhikode on Wednesday launched a new array of attacks against Megastar Mohanlal, in retaliation to Mohanlal's interactions with the media personnel the other day.

Azhikode alleged that Mohanlal was repeating what he was saying because of his frantic attempts to regain his fast disappearing youth.

Azhikode said that Mohanlal doesn't have an idea about the nation's culture. Its the belief that he is the prince of showbiz that is leading the star. People will get to see the real star, if he removes his wig, Azhikode added sarcastically.

The orator said that it was not just enough that there was goodness in the characters that the star portrays. There should atleast be an iota of goodness in the heart as well.

"Mohanlal's films will end when he stops acting. However my forty books, that are a reflection of my soul, will stand the tests of time," Azhikode said.

Azhikode also said that Mohanlal should not brand him as one who didn't see films. Because the acceptance that the star has got is the acceptance for buffoonery. He has had enough seeing such films, and he also said that he considered himself lucky that he did not have to see more.

When asked about fans' associations, Azhikode said that they were a kind of mafia organizations. He also lashed out against K B Ganesh Kumar and said that his intelligence was not developed enough to question Azhikode's excellence.

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I have erased Azhikode from my mind: Mohanlal

Superstar Mohanlal said on Wednesday that he was very well aware of what people were saying about Azhikode. He was talking to members of the media, after Azhikode relaunched his attacks on the star yesterday.

Mohanlal said that he had not used the term ayaal in a derogatory sense while referring to Azhikode. The word simply means 'that person'. Azhikode who is a literary genius should be well aware of its meaning.

Mohanlal also took offence to Azhikode's comments on the star's driver having turned into a producer. Lal said that every job has a dignity. There is not much of a use in merely writing forty books. What one should really learn is to behave well with other people.

Mohanlal concluded by saying that he has erased Sukumar Azhikode from his mind.

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Maithily rechristens herself as Manickyam

Nobody would have forgotten that petite young girl who made her debut in Ranjith's 'Palery Manickyam'. Maithily, the actress who had shown much promise in her debut film, later went on to sign a couple of other films as well.

However, now she has decided to change her name, since there is another Maithily in showbiz. Hence she has decided to call herself Manickyam from now on, the name of her character in her debut film.

Manickyam is all set to start the shoot of the Jayasurya film 'Nallavan', in which she has been promised a meaningful role. She had also done Mammootty's 'Chattambinaadu', in which she was cast opposite Vinu Mohan.

This would be the third time Manickyam changes her name. Originally Brighty Balachandran, and later Maithily, this Manickyam now hopes to conquer Malluwood under her new name.

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Verbal fight between Lal and Azhikode

The tug of war between Megastar Mohanlal and Sukumar Azhikode, that started a week ago has taken a new turn with the later referring about the star to have no idea about the nation's culture. Azhikode alleged that the superstar's frantic attempts to regain his fast disappearing youth fans by fixing wigs and makeup, will not work for a long time. The orator further added that an iota of goodness was needed in the heart as well, not just in the characters that he portrays. Stating that it is high time for the star to stop acting in young characters Azhikode said "Mohanlal's popularity will end when he stops acting. However my forty books, that are a reflection of my soul, will stand the tests of time".

But Mohanlal sharply replied to his statement that 'merely writing forty books is of no use, if a person can't accept the dignity of each job'. He also criticized Azhikode's comments on the star's driver turning his producer. Lal added that one should learn to behave well with other people. Lal concluded that he has erased Sukumar Azhikode from his mind. But the remarks of Sukumar Azhikode yesterday says that he is still in much force to continue with his verbal attacks on the super star.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mammootty's New look in PokkiriRaja...

Box office strength of Mammootty movies[left click on the image to view in full size]

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Box office

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Mammootty and I would act with Thilakan again: Mohanlal

Megastar Mohanlal has hit back at Sukumar Azhikode by clarifying that at no point had he asked the orator to play peacemaker in the Thilakan controversy.

Mohanlal in an interview to a television channel said that he had rung up Azhikode to request him to leave him alone. Mohanlal said he didn't understand why Azhikode was against his acting in jewelery ads.

Instead of responding to his request, Azhikode had asked Lal if the Thilakan issue couldn't be solved through peace talks. And Mohanlal had said that it could definitely be attempted.

Mohanlal also said that this was a matter that concerned the disciplinary committee of AMMA. And a person like Azhikode who is not even a regular cinema goer has no right to get involved in it. The megastar also said that he takes Azhikode's comments as those uttered by a senior personality and nothing more.

Mohanlal concluded by saying that he was even willing to go and meet Thilakan in person to solve the current issue. He said that both he and Mammootty would definitely act with Thilakan in the future. It's the veteran actor himself who is reluctant to act with them. If Thilakan didn't want to be a part of AMMA, he is welcome to leave the association. However there would be no ban prohibiting him from acting in films.

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Thilakan controversy: War of words continues

The war of words in the Malayalam film industry, involving veteran actor Thilakan, superstars Mammootty and Mohanlal and others, continues unabated.

Thilakan is currently facing the heat from various film workers' organisations, including the Association of Malayalam Movies Artistes (AMMA), for his utterances against some superstars and select directors.

He replied to a show-cause notice from the AMMA, saying he has done no wrong and the question of an apology does not arise.

Thilakan has been getting support from the Communist Party of India after a few legislators joined him on podium during public meetings in Kottayam and Ernakulam districts.

But the biggest cheer for him came Monday when veteran social critic Sukumar Azhikode lashed out at Mohanlal when he said the love scenes done by the superstar on screen have become unpalatable.

Azhikode also criticised Mohanlal for endorsing jewellery and found fault with him for coming to the defence of Mammootty.

Mohanlal told reporters here Tuesday that it should not be of concern to Azhikode if he was endorsing jewellery.

"I told him to leave me alone. Even Amitabh Bachchan endorses products. I see the statements from Azhikode as those made by an old man. He also advised (me) to settle the present controversy. I replied I have nothing to do on that and it has to be done by AMMA," he said.

Thilakan has been asked to appear before the disciplinary committee of AMMA March 1.

"I am yet to decide on whether I should appear or not. Several people are trying to settle the issue and I am willing to discuss it on certain conditions, which I will make at an appropriate time," he said.

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* Thiruvananthapuram, Feb 23 (IANS) The war of words in the Malayalam film industry, involving veteran actor Thilakan, superstars Mammootty and Mohanlal and others, continues unabated.

Thilakan is currently facing the heat from various film workers' organisations, including the Association of Malayalam Movies Artistes (AMMA), for his utterances against some superstars and select directors.

He replied to a show-cause notice from the AMMA, saying he has done no wrong and the question of an apology does not arise.

Thilakan has been getting support from the Communist Party of India after a few legislators joined him on podium during public meetings in Kottayam and Ernakulam districts.

But the biggest cheer for him came Monday when veteran social critic Sukumar Azhikode lashed out at Mohanlal when he said the love scenes done by the superstar on screen have become unpalatable.

Azhikode also criticised Mohanlal for endorsing jewellery and found fault with him for coming to the defence of Mammootty.

Mohanlal told reporters here Tuesday that it should not be of concern to Azhikode if he was endorsing jewellery.

"I told him to leave me alone. Even Amitabh Bachchan endorses products. I see the statements from Azhikode as those made by an old man. He also advised (me) to settle the present controversy. I replied I have nothing to do on that and it has to be done by AMMA," he said.

Thilakan has been asked to appear before the disciplinary committee of AMMA March 1.

"I am yet to decide on whether I should appear or not. Several people are trying to settle the issue and I am willing to discuss it on certain conditions, which I will make at an appropriate time," he said.

Kerala Culture Minister M.A. Baby told reporters that there were a few film-based organisations and if all were willing, the government would intervene.

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Azhikode's accusations against Mammootty baseless: Ranjith

* Sukumar Azhikode getting involved in the Thilakan controversy seems to have heated up the affairs quite a bit.

Azhikode had recently heavily come down on the superstars, when he said that Mammootty had got a remuneration of five and a half crores for acting in 'Pazhassi Raja', and that Mohanlal was selling off his recognition by appearing in jewelery ads.

Director Ranjith, who has never minced words when expressing an opinion has retaliated with equal strength towards Azhikode's comments.

While interacting with a popular online medium, he stated that Azhikode's accusations against Mammootty are baseless, and that he should get his facts right before he blurts out such statements.

Ranjith rose in defense of Mammootty when he said that he personally had an experience as to how accommodating Mammootty was, when he agreed to do the critically acclaimed 'Palery Manickyam' for a very moderate fee, especially since the actor was convinced of its scope.

Azhikode should not speak of crores merely based on hearsay. He should also reveal the source of his infrmation. Ranjith went on to say that he was willing to take back his comments if either Gokulam Gopalan or Hariharan affirmed that Mammootty had claimed a high remuneration for 'Pazhassi Raja'.

Ranjith also said that he didn't understand the logic behind accusing Mammootty of throwing Thilakan out of 'Christian Brothers'. This was after all a Mohanlal film that was being directed by Joshey. Azhikode was merely backing the statements that Thilakan had been issuing, without realizing what the truth is.

Azhikode, who is a great orator, goes to speak after demanding a fee. Mohanlal and Mammootty do the same for the job that they do; that is acting. There is no use of being jealous about it, Ranjith said.

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Sukumar Azhikode lashes out against Mohanlal for selling popularity

* Prominent orator Sukumar Azhikode lashed out against Megastar Mohanlal today, when he accused Lal of selling the recognition and popularity that he enjoyed.

Azhikode was interacting with media delegates here, when he said that Mohanlal's appearing in an ad for a popular jewelery brand showed that he was looking for money. If he were an ordinary man, he wouldn't have done this.

Azhikode also talked against the romantic scenes that the actor played on screen, and said that they were quite distasteful. He added that the support that Mohanlal had offered Mammootty a couple of days back is a form of confession, and proof of the fact that Mammootty has done something wrong.

Sukumar Azhikode had earlier offered support for Thilakan, when he had proclaimed that banning Thilakan from the industry is like banning art itself.

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Mohanlal & Mammootty move closer

The fans of Malayalam superstars Mammootty and Mohanlal may not see eye to eye, but their idols are getting closer.

They have come together to fight the common enemy the veteran actor Thilakan who has been a thorn in their flesh.

Thilakan has been making some wild and unsubstantiated allegations against them. He has been able to get the support of the so called "left intellectuals" like Sukumar Azhikode and Punathil Kunjabdulla. Azhikode had criticized Mohanlal' for doing commercial endorsements for a popular jewelery brand and made a "dumb" remark that Mammootty had got Rs 5 crore to do Pazhassi Raja!

Noted novelist Punathil Kunjabdulla, went one step ahead and said at a literary forum that: "Thilakan is one of the most distinguished actors in the world, and before him Mammootty and Mohanlal are nothing!" The irony of it is that both Azhikode and Punathil hardly know anything about cinema or the contribution that M & M has made to Malayalam films.

There was a sustained campaign to tarnish the image of M & M by these so called "intellectuals" as they blindly supported Thilakan in his crusade against the stars. Please note some vested interests in Malayalam film industry are also behind this smear campaign against the superstars.

Meanwhile the two superstars met "accidentally" at the picturesque Panangad Choice Gardens on the backwaters near Kochi. Mohanlal and Mammootty were shooting there for their forthcoming films Christian Brothers and Pramani respectively. During the one hour post lunch meet the stars without any aides discussed about the "Thilakan threat to topple them".

Mohanlal in an earlier interview to a newspaper had come to the defense of Mammootty by saying that he would never snatch a role from Thilakan. Later Mohanlal in an interview to a television channel said that he had rung up Azhikode and asked him to back off and leave him alone and not drag him into unnecessary controversies. And regarding Azhikode's statement, that Thilakan and Mohanlal had expressed a desire to hold talks to solve the raging controversy the star made it clear that he had never expressed such willingness.

And as far as Azhikode's criticism that he is cashing in on his fame and popularity by doing commercial endorsements, Mohanlal shot back: "I told him to leave me alone as all stars including Amitabh Bachchan endorses products. I see Azhikode's ranting against me and Mammootty, as those made by an old man."

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Will not comment on Thilakan: Mammootty

Veteran Malayalam superstar Mammootty has declined to comment on the controversy triggered by the outburst of thespian Thilakan.

Mammootty, talking to IANS over phone, said: "I will not say anything. What is there to be said?" He was speaking from the sets of his latest film "Pokiriraja".

Actor Thilakan is currently facing the heat from various film bodies, including the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA), for his utterances against film organisations in the state.

Discussing his films, including his latest release "Dhrona", which has not done as expected, the superstar said: "See, it was an excellent subject, but somehow it has not come out well. Mind you, this is the way films are. You win some, you lose some. When there is a setback you go back to the basics, and that is precisely what I do, and fine-tune myself for the next film."

Speaking about his next project, Mammootty said it would be the directorial debut of veteran character and comedy artiste Jagdeesh.

"I am told that the name of the film is going to be 'Amar Akbar Antony', but don't mistake it for the yesteryears' Hindi film. It is a love story and I play the role of a technocrat. I heard the story and am yet to see the script," added Mammootty.

The year 2009, was very good for Mammootty with eight releases and a variety of roles. He also received an honorary doctorate from the Kerala University.

However, 2010 appears to have got off on a wrong note with "Dhrona" bombing at the box office and the Thilakan controversy adding to troubles. At the moment, the AMMA and the other film bodies are strongly behind Mammootty.

Mammootty is a three-time national award winner and into his third decade in the industry.

Veteran Malayalam actor Thilakan had criticised film organisations for denying him an opportunity to act in the new film "Christian Brothers".

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Mammootty maintains a dignified silence

Superstar Mammootty who is currently at the gun point of some loud accusations made by veteran actor Thilakan continues to maintain a dignified silence on the issue. Whenever the megastar is approached by the journalists for a comment on the subject, he asks ''What is to be told on a subject, where I don't have any role?'' Mammootty instead is busy with his new projects and loves to talk about some.
The actor who has completed his 'Pramaani'with B Unnikrishnan, scheduled for release on the 19th of March. More he joined the sets of 'Pokkiri Raja' today. As usual a jovial Mammootty is happy in the sets, and will soon announce his association with actor Jagadheesh for his debut directorial venture 'Amar Akbar Antony'.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yugapurushan - 3rd Week [Released on February 5, 2010]

1.Thiruvananthapuram - Sree - Noon Show
2.Ernakulam - Sangeetha - 2 shows (NS & Matinee)
3.Thrissur - Sree - Noon Show
4.Kollam - Dhanya - Morning Show
5.Kottayam - Anupama - 3 shows
6.Kannur - Ambili - Noon Show
7.Mavelikkara - Prathibha
8.Kattapana - Santhosh
9.Changanassery - Apsara - 3 shows
10.Pala - Yuvarani - 2 shows (I & II)
11.Vadanappally - Jawahar - Noon Show
12.Kodungallur - Shilpi - Noon Show
13.Vadakara - Keerthi - Morning Show

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Dhrona 2010 - 4th Week [Released on January 27, 2010]

1.Thiruvananthapuram - Kripa - Noon Show

2.Kozhikode - Sree - Morning Show

3.Thrissur - Ravikrishna - 3 shows

4.Attingal - Kaveri - Noon Show


1.Adoor - Nadam - Noon Show

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മമ്മൂട്ടി ദ്രോഹം ചെയ്യുന്നവനല്ല: ക്യാപ്ടന്‍ രാജു[Install malayalam font to read this post]

മെഗാസ്റ്റാര്‍ മമ്മൂട്ടി ആര്‍ക്കും ദ്രോഹം ചെയ്യുന്നവനല്ലെന്ന് നടന്‍ ക്യാപ്ടന്‍ രാജു. ഒരു ടി വി ചാനലിന് നല്‍കിയ അഭിമുഖത്തിലാണ് ക്യാപ്ടന്‍ ഇങ്ങനെ പറഞ്ഞത്. ദേഷ്യം വന്നാല്‍ അത് തുറന്നു പറയുകയും അത് അപ്പോള്‍ തന്നെ മറക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്ന ആളാണ് മമ്മൂട്ടിയെന്നും അദ്ദേഹം പറഞ്ഞു.മമ്മൂട്ടി വളരെ ഇമോഷണലാണ്. വേഗം പൊട്ടിത്തെറിക്കും. എന്നാല്‍ അത് അപ്പോള്‍ തന്നെ
മറക്കുകയും ചെയ്യും. അല്ലാതെ എല്ലാക്കാര്യങ്ങളും മനസില്‍ കൊണ്ടു നടക്കില്ല. ആര്‍ക്കെങ്കിലും എതിരെ ഗൂഢനീക്കം നടത്താനും മമ്മൂട്ടി തയ്യാറാകില്ല. തിലകനെതിരെ മമ്മൂട്ടി എന്തെങ്കിലും പറയുകയോ ചെയ്യുകയോ ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ അത് ഒരുപാട് അധിക്ഷേപങ്ങള്‍ കേള്‍ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഏതൊരാള്‍ക്കും ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന സ്വാഭാവിക പ്രതികരണമാണ് - ക്യാപ്ടന്‍ രാജു
പറഞ്ഞു.മോഹന്‍ലാലിനോടൊപ്പം അഭിനയിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന ഒരു കെമിസ്ട്രി മമ്മൂട്ടിയോടൊപ്പം ഉണ്ടാകുന്നില്ല എന്ന് തിലകന്‍ ഒരിക്കലും പറയരുതായിരുന്നു. എല്ലാവരുടെയും അഭിനയത്തിന്‍റെ മെഷര്‍മെന്‍റ്‌ എടുക്കാന്‍ തിലകനെ ആരും ചുമതലപ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടില്ല. മൂന്നു തവണ ദേശീയ പുരസ്കാരം നേടിയ, ലോകം അംഗീകരിച്ച നടനാണ് മമ്മൂട്ടി. അമിതാഭ് ബച്ചന്‍ പോലും അദ്ദേഹത്തെ
'മമ്മൂട്ടിജി' എന്നാണ് വിളിക്കുന്നത്. അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്‍റെ അഭിനയത്തിന്‍റെ ആഴം അളക്കാനുള്ള അളവുകോല്‍ ആരാണ് തിലകന് കൊടുത്തത്? - ക്യാപ്ടന്‍ രാജു ചോദിച്ചു.അഭിനേതാക്കള്‍ക്ക് തിളങ്ങാനുള്ള ആകാശമൊരുക്കിയ നടനാണ് തിലകനെന്ന സുകുമാര്‍ അഴീക്കോടിന്‍റെ പ്രസ്താവനയെ ക്യാപ്ടന്‍ രാജു നിശിതമായി വിമര്‍ശിച്ചു. അഴീക്കോട് പറഞ്ഞത് മണ്ടത്തരമാണ്. കൊട്ടാരക്കര ശ്രീധരന്‍ നായര്‍,
ബാലന്‍ കെ നായര്‍, സത്യന്‍ തുടങ്ങിയ മഹാരഥന്‍മാര്‍ക്ക് ആകാശമൊരുക്കിയത് തിലകനാണോ? ഒടുവില്‍ ഉണ്ണികൃഷ്ണനും പറവൂര്‍ ഭരതനും അഭിനയിക്കാന്‍ ആകാശമൊരുക്കിയത് തിലകനാണോ? എന്തായാലും തിലകന്‍ ഉണ്ടാക്കിയ ആകാശത്ത് വെട്ടിത്തിളങ്ങാന്‍ ക്യാപ്ടന്‍ രാജു ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നില്ല - ക്യാപ്ടന്‍ തുറന്നടിച്ചു.തിലകന്‍ പറയുന്നതുപോലെ താരസംഘടനയായ 'അമ്മ' മാഫിയാ സംഘടനയല്ല. മുതിര്‍ന്ന
അഭിനേതാക്കള്‍ക്ക് അമ്മ മാസം തോറും നല്‍കുന്ന 2500 രൂപയെ പുച്ഛിക്കാന്‍ ആര്‍ക്കും അവകാശമില്ല. ആ 2500 രൂപയ്ക്ക് രണ്ടര ലക്ഷത്തിന്‍റെ മൂല്യമുണ്ട്. കാരണം അത് അമ്മ തരുന്ന കൈനീട്ടമാണ് - ക്യാപ്ടന്‍ രാജു വ്യക്തമാക്കി.

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Chattambinadu - 59 days [Released on December 24, 2009]

1.Thiruvananthapuram - Aswathy-4 shows

2.Ernakulam - Sangeetha - 2 shows (I & II)

3.Chalakkudy - Surabhi - Noon Show

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Saturday, February 20, 2010


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Mohanlal breaks the silence in Thilakan issue; speaks in defence of Mammootty

Superstar Mohanlal has finally broken the silence that the Big M's had maintained for the last few weeks regarding the controversy raised by actor Thilakan.

Mohanlal, while interacting with a prominent daily yesterday said that Mammootty's silence in the Thilakan issue should not be mistaken as cowardice. Mammootty is maintaining a silence merely because of the respect that the industry has towards Thilakan as a senior actor.

Mohanlal also said that Mammootty would never snatch a role from Thilakan, and added that most people in the industry have had first hand experience regarding Mammootty's goodness. He said that if there was an attempt to isolate Mammootty, he would strongly oppose it.

It was not on Mammootty's behest that AMMA issued a notice to Thilakan. On the other hand it was because Thilakan had repeatedly caused injury to the association's reputation.

Mohanlal affirmed that attempts to break up AMMA would be sternly dealt with. He also spoke in support of the fans' associations, when he said that it was not right to blame the fans' association for some anonymous phone call that someone receives.

Sequel mania in Mollywood

After the success of recent movie like 'Neelathamara', it seems that more and more sequels are on the way in Mollywood. The latest news doing the rounds is about the third part of Kerala classic 'Nadodikkattu', for which the two sequels are already out. This move, if realised will see the comeback of that Golden Pair of Dasan and Vijayan, once again onscreen. Sreenivasan is said to handle the script of the new movie. This also will feature Mohanlal in a new avatar, satisfying the changing social scenario.

The other sequels of movies that are under discussions include Dileep's 'CID Moosa', which will have a redo as 'Moosa from Scotland'. Johnny Antony will call the shots while most characters from the original will be seen once again in the sequel also. Mohanlal's 'Rajavinte Makan', Mammootty's 'Samrajyam' and Jayaram's 'Sandesham' will also be featured in the list of movies that will soon have their second parts.

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Thilakan expelled

Thilakan on Wednesday was has been expelled from AMMA and FEFKA. His one man fight against the powerful film associations in Kerala has come to a bitter end.

The veteran actor was served a show cause notice by the film bodies to apologise or face action for his outburst against some top actors and personalities. But Thilakan stood by his words and refused to apologise saying he hasn't done any thing wrong.

In a letter to AMMA, he said it did not come to his help when he was dropped from the film 'Christian Brothers' after he was signed and the advance given. Thilakan began his one-man fight against AMMA and FEFKA after he was denied an opportunity to act in 'Christian Brothers'.

FEFKA on Wednesday decided not cooperate with Thilakan, unless he apologises for making all kinds of wild allegations including calling them a Mafia.

Now the writing is on the wall. It would be almost impossible for Thilakan to do another film in Malayalam film unless this issue is sorted out.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oru 'cheruppakkarante' photo....!!!

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Mammootty speaks about cochin Haneefa[Follow the link]

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Prabhu with Mammootty

Malayalam film world is not new to Prabhu. He debuted in Malayalam with 'Kaalapani' which had Mohanlal in the lead. After that he was seen in films like Malayali Maamanu Vanakkam, Kanninum Kannadikkum and War and love. He has worked with Mohanlal, Dileep and Jayaram. Now he is working with Mammootty for the first time. Prabhu is doing a cameo role in a new movie 'Pramaani' in which Mammootty is the hero.

Prabhu will be appearing the role of Varkey, a former panchayat president. Mammootty plays Viswanatha Panikkar, is present panchayat president. Prabhu was in Kochi recently for the shooting where he also enjoyed the hospitality of Mammootty's home.

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Collection :Tvm

Body guard - 20days - 17,83,964

Happy husbands - 29days - 21,22,674

Drona - 14days - 8,20,650

Chattambinadu - 49days - 38,94,550

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Monday, February 15, 2010


Yugapurushan - 2nd Week [Released on February 5, 2010]

1.Thiruvananthapuram - Sree
2.Ernakulam - Savitha (Morning Show), Sangeetha (Noon Show)
3.Kozhikode - Sree - Morning Show
4.Thrissur - Sree
5.Kollam - Dhanya - Morning Show
6.Kottayam - Anupama - Noon Show
7.Kannur - Ambili - Noon Show
8.Attingal - Thapasya Paradise
9.Mavelikkara - Prathibha
10.Adoor - Smitha
11.Kattapana - Santhosh
12.Changanassery - Apsara - Noon Show
13.Pala - Yuvarani
14.Perumbavur - Jyothi - Noon Show
15.Vadanappally - Jawahar - Noon Show
16.Kodungallur - Shilpi - Noon Show
17.Perinthalmanna - Savitha
18.Nilambur - Fairyland - 3 shows
19.Vadakara - Keerthi - Morning Show
20.Bathery - Sagar
21.Thalassery - Chithravani
22.Payyanur - Divya

Dhrona 2010 - 3rd Week [Released on January 27, 2010]

1.Thiruvananthapuram - Kripa
2.Ernakulam - Little Shenoys
3.Kozhikode - Sree - 3 shows
4.Thrissur - Ravikrishna - 3 shows
5.Kollam - Kumar
6.Kottayam - Asha - Noon Show
7.Alappuzha - Seethas - Noon Show
8.Kannur - Ambili - 3 shows
9.Attingal - Kaveri
10.Adoor - Nadam - Noon Show
11.Mavelikkara - Sandra - Noon Show
12.Muvattupuzha - Vettukattil - 2 shows
13.Kanjani - Brahmakulam - 2 shows
14.Perinthalmanna - Sangeetha
15.Vadakara - Mudra - 3 shows
16.Thalassery - Liberty Mini Paradise
17.Payyanur - Shanthi
18.Kanhangad - Vinayaka

Theatre Update

(A)Chattambinadu - 53 days [Released on December 24, 2009]:
1.Thiruvananthapuram - Ajantha
2.Ernakulam - Sangeetha - 3 shows
3.Alappuzha - Seematti - Noon Show
4.Kannur - Saritha
5.Chalakkudy - Surabhi - Noon Show

(B)Ividam Swargamanu - 52 days [Released on December 25, 2009]

1.Thrissur - Girija

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pazhassi Raja Valum Ambum Villum-Price Rs.200


p.r gross from 100 days---------43 crores

channel rights-----------------3 crores

video rights----------------------3 crores

in tvm 100 days collections is 1 crore 30 lakh

ekm 81 days----------above 1 crore

palakkad--------------86 lakhs[100days]

thrissur----------------82 lakhs[100days]

kannur-------------------68 lakhs[dont know]

calicut--------------------74 lakhs[75 days]

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Paleri manikyam became highest rated film @

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Kerala Box Office- Dec 2009 - Jan 2010

After a long time here is the latest at the Kerala box-office during the period January 1 to 31. Mammootty's Christmas release Chattambinadu is the clear number one for the season. The film has already taken a distributors share of around Rs 3 crore from releasing stations in the first five weeks and is a super hit.

At number two is James Cameron's Avatar, a blockbuster in Kerala. At Ernakulam Sridhar the 3D version has already taken a net around Rs 42 lakhs, which is extraordinary.

In the third position is Happy Husbands, the sleeper comedy hit which will cover its cost from releasing stations.

Siddique's Bodyguardhas turned out to be only an above average grosser. In the fifth position is Mammootty's Drona, which released last week but failed even to take an opening.
At the sixth position is Mohanlal's Christmas release Ividum Swargam Aanu, which has been removed from all main stations like Ernakulam and Kozhikode.

Pazhassi Raja continues its glorious run as it is nearing 100days and is in the seventh place.

Namitha is scoring big in B & C stations mainly in Malabar area with her Black Stallion with Kalabhavan Mani and is in the eighth place.

The special effects extravaganza 2010 is in the ninth position still drawing awestruck audiences in B and C stations in Kerala, with the film having crossed the Rs 2.5 Crore share in Kerala!

Last on the list is Vijay's Vettaikaran running in B & C stations.

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Chattambinadu - 8th Week...... [Released on December 24, 2009]

......GLORIOUS 50TH DAY TODAY.......

1.Thiruvananthapuram - Ajantha
2.Ernakulam - Sangeetha - 3 shows
3.Kottayam - Anand - Noon Show
4.Alappuzha - Seematti - Noon Show
5.Palakkad - Priyathama - 3 shows
6.Kannur - Samudra
7.Attingal - Yamuna - 2 shows (NS & Matinee)
8.Chalakkudy - Surabhi - Noon Show
9.Thalassery - Liberty Movie House - Noon Show


2 released theatres - 4 show
2 released theatres - 3 show
1 theatres - 2 show
4 theatres - 1 show

Total Theatres Playing: 9
Total Shows Playing: 20

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Tilakan says:

Communistkaranayittu kudi enne Cpimum kairali tv yum avoid cheythu,Kairali MD Mammootty anu ithinu pinnil...
Comment:Enkil poyi chavado....

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Thilakan denies having said anything against Mammootty

Thilakan, who has been on a protest campaign against a ban that he alleges has been imposed on him, today said that he hasn't said anything against Mammootty.

Thilakan has been however clearly suggesting for the past several days that the superstars are ruining the industry.

However he said today that he had been told by Subair, producer of 'Christian Brothers' that he was chucked out of the film on a superstar's insistence. He had merely repeated what Subair had told him.

The FEFKA meanwhile is considering taking action against Thilakan, for alleging that the organization is behind his ousting from the Joshey film. The FEFKA would hold a meeting on the 17th of this month.

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‘Thalaivasal’ Vijay takes Kerala by storm

One of the best character artistes in Tamil industry 'Thalaivasal' Vijay is taking Kerala by storm with his brilliant performance in the central role of Narayanaguru in the film 'Yugapurushan', which is a biopic on the life of the biggest social reformer ever lived in Kerala.

Vijay is getting rave reviews for the role from all quarters. Critics and the masses are convinced with the meticulous depiction of guru by Vijay. The laurels are so big that henceforth in Kerala he may be called 'Yugapurushan' Vijay.

An interesting thing in this regard is that the role of Narayanaguru was first to be done by none other than Mammootty. But the great actor was apprehensive thinking his super star status may take the sheen off the character and he stayed away. That decision proved to be a big luck for 'Thalaivasal' Vijay.

Congratulations 'Thalaivasal'… sorry 'Yugapurushan' Vijay.

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Shriya likes Mollywood

After a busy half a decade in filmdom, South Indian super actress Shriya Saran has finally found some time to be in Mollywood.

Shriya is finding the sets of 'Pokkiri Raja' with the crew very cool, energetic and interesting. The young director of the movie Vaishakh Abraham is now busy shooting the combination scenes of Shriya and Prithviraj at Ernakulam.

Shriya will feature in two songs, set to music by Jassie Gift for the movie. The actress will also have a few sequences with Superstar Mammootty, who will join the sets on the 20th of this month.

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Big B wonders at Mammootty and Mohanlal

At the function held in Kochi to felicitate Resul Pookutty recently, Amitabh Bachchan caught up with the mega stars of Mollywood, Mammootty and Mohanlal.

After the function Amitabh said "I met up with the two greats of Malayalam cinema - Mohanlal and Mammootty. Their work is testimony to their greatness. Effortless, easy and so completely natural that it belies all that you may have conceived about how acting needs to be done"

Great recognition for the great two.

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Mammootty, Padmapriya are best

Mammootty and Padmapriya have been selected as the best in the acting departments at the Vanitha -Nippon awards announced yesterday. While Mohanlal was selected as the popular actor. Veteran actor Madhu was named for Lifetime achievement award for his contribution to the industry.

While Mammootty was selected as the best for his roles in 'Loudspeaker', 'Palery Manickyam' and 'Pazhassi Raja', Padmapriya was named the best for her performance in 'Pazhassi Raja'. The popular actor award went to Lal for his roles in 'Bhramaram' and 'Ividum Swargam Aanu'.

'Pazhassi Raja' was selected as the best film. While Sarathkumar bagged the award for the best supporting actor for his role in the movie, Renjith was selected the best director for 'Palery Manickyam'.

The other important awards include that for Shwetha Menon (Best supporting actress), Jagathy Sreekumar (best villain), Suraj Venjaramoodu (best comedy actor) Vayalar Sharath (best Lyricist) and Vidyasagar (best Music).

The awards will be given away in a grand function to be held at Kochi on the 20th of this month.

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Thilakan receives anonymous threats

Veteran actor Thilakan who is presently engaged in a verbal war with the top people in Malayalam film industry, lodged a complaint with the Alappuzha South about a threatening call he received. Citing his life to be under threat, the actor says that an anonymous person called him repeatedly and threatened him that he will be killed in a week. The voice in the phone is also reported to have asked Thilakan who was he to find faults with the superstar Mammootty.

Thilakan, who was at that time having dinner at a restaurant in Alappuzha, immediately lodged a complaint at the nearby police station. With the threatening calls coming up, the issue between Thilakan and association of stars and technicians is taking a new turn. This is for the first time that such an issue has gone public to the extent of threatening calls.

The present fight started with Thilakan and a group of actors like Mala Aravindan, Sphadikam George and Captain Raju joining the sets of director Vinayan's new movie 'Yakshiyum Njanum'. It was also then rumoured that the artists association (AMMA) has secretly banned anybody from acting in the film of Vinayan, who was warring with the newly formed technicians association, FEFKA.

Shortly thereafter, Thilakan was expelled from the new multistarrer 'Christian Brothers' directed by Joshy. Thilakan then accused it as the plot of FEFKA and AMMA and raised his voice against a superstar alleging that he was against all the issues, though he refused to name him. No one in the industry had a clue on what forced the veteran who was recently seen with Mammootty in a prominent role for the new movie 'Drona 2010', to explode.

And then, AMMA got involved in the issue and called for explanation and apology within a week, from Thilakan regarding his unwarranted statements. Now the entire industry and the public is in the waiting to see whether the actor will oblige to AMMA's demands.

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‘Pramaani’ release preponed

As his 'Drona 2010' succumbed to big losses all across the state, Megastar Mammootty has preponed the release of his next movie 'Pramaani' by two weeks. The movie which will finish its final schedule of shoot this week, will now get released by the 18th of March.

Directed by B Unnikrishnan, the movie will feature Mammootty as a corrupt Panchayat president while Sneha will be appearing as the upright, disciplined secretary of the panchayat. The movie with plenty of punch lines and powerful dialogues will also takes a satirical look at the present day politics of the state.

B Unnikrishnan has been largely successful in his previous films 'Maadambi' with Mohanlal and in 'IG' with Suresh Gopi and 'Smart City'. 'Pramaani' produced by B C Joshy under the banner of Surya Cine Arts is expected to be another big hit like his earlier movies.

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Thilakan defies AMMA

Veteran actor Thilakan plans to defy AMMA's(Association of Malayalam Movie Artists) ultimatum for a regret message and challenges it to act against him. The actor who made it clear that he will think of giving an explanation only after receiving the letter from the association also said that AMMA cannot prevent him from his artistic endeavours, as it is not a trade union. The actor also made it clear that doing his work is not only his birth right as well as constitutional right.

Thilakan has been at loggerheads with filmi organisations and superstars since 2004. His first criticisms was against character actor Nedumudi Venu who was accused claiming his roles. Then it turned against superstar Mohanlal with allegations about the presence of a Thiruvananthapuram lobby of upper caste Nairs, working against him in the film industry. And for this time Thilakan has also mentioned about the other superstar, Mammootty behaving like a Goonda leader.

According to Innocent, the president of AMMA, Thilakan could have raised his complaints at AMMA rather than going out to public and media. Innocent points out that Thilakan's remarks against Mammootty and AMMA have the nature of character assassination and personal humiliation, which demands satisfactory explanation from the actor. ''As per my knowledge, there is no ban on any actor imposed by AMMA'' adds Innocent .

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Thilakan asked to apologize

At the general body meeting of the AMMA held yesterday, the forum decided to ask veteran actor Thilakan for an apology for creating an unwanted controversy. The meeting attended by 13 executive members including Innocent, Mammootty and Mohanlal decided to take "stringent action" against Thilakan, if he fails to express regret within a week over the allegations he made.

The latest round of controversy all started as Thilakan was dropped from the multistarrer movie 'Christian Brothers' after booked for a prominent role. Thilakan then expressed grief over the decision and informed the media that producer Varnachitra Subair had told him he was being dropped due to the directive from FEFKA, which was acting on the orders of a superstar.

Thilakan then launched a protest against film organisations for denying him the opportunity to act in this new film. He then maintained that two major organisations in the industry and the superstars are against him because he acted in the latest film directed by Vinayan. He even inaugurated a protest meeting on Thrissur this Saturday with the support of State ministers G Sudhakaran and Mullakkara Retnakaran.

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Girish Puthenchery passed away

Popular Malayalam film lyricist Girish Puthenchery passed away at a private hospital in Kozhikode last night following a cerebral hemorrhage. Puthenchery was admitted to the hospital a week back, was on ventilator support and the end came at around midnight last. He was survived by his wife Beena and children Jithin Krishnan and Dinanath.

Rated on par with legendary lyricists P Baskaran and O N V Kurup, Puthenchery has won the state award seven times and popular Asianet award three times for his lyrics in about 400 films in a over two decade career.

Puthenchery started his career in 1990 with the film "Enquiry and became a household name for Keralites for his songs in blockbuster movies like 'Ravana Prabhu', 'Nandanam', 'Vadakkum Nathan' and 'Ore Kadal'. Of late Girish Puthenchery was scripting a film by the name 'Raman Police'.

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[[N.B: see out of 13 awards 9 from our MAMMOOKKA'S films]]


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CHATTAMBINADU. ......... .....40 days -----9.6crores

IVIDAM SWARGAMANU.. ....39 days-----6.1crores

DRONA2010... ......... ......... ...6 days------3. 2 crores

BODYGUARD... ......... ......... 10 days-----3.6crores

HAPPY HUSBAND..... ......... 19 days----4.2 crores

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Mammootty in 'Phir Mile Sur' Remix[follow thw link]

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Yugapurushan:First Reviews...

Yugapurushan--- Superb movie...!!
After Paaleri Manikyam--A class movie fr Mollywood..!!

Thalaivasal vijay--- Gud performer...!! Sure 2010 National award..!!
All cast touches hearts of the viewers..especially..Megastar...Babu Antony..Navya..
Kalabhavan Mani...Devan...!!

Ramachandra Babu Cinematography...xcellent...!!
Gud direction frm Sukumar!!
Songs..apt fr the movie...!!
Gud Publicity..!!

Over all..mass nd sttylish movies ee class moviekku munnil muttu kuthi..


Watched yugapurushan fdfs form tvm kairali 11.30 show

Adichu poli onnum koodathe anu padam kanan keriye..padam thudaghi..................

wat to say...Mind blowing..Amzing..Superb,,,Wat a feel...No words To Express......

Mammokka kanikune kure kazhijha 1.30hr okke kazhiyum.....ikka almost 8 scens indayirunu..ula scens elam kidlam...superb....ikkayude 2 fights ..climax ile superb perofrmance with vijay..adipoly.thakrthu with dailogues expresionz

About vijay ho sure or may be he will get national award for yugapurushan.....superb acting.....................oro bvaghalum nnnayi vannu...nala oru actor anu

elperum ore vakku mathram prayunu jhan ulapdey padam kanditu why mammokka rejected these role.....................
athra vishamam undu nannayi ikkaku perform cheyan ptuna role ayirunu..........but ikka kalajhu...hmm musiq..script..oro ashyaghal prakadipikunne okke superb,,nala oru feel kitty kodoathe nanaloru santheshvum

director padam kanan undayirunnu.......................elperum kai okek koduthu...superb

rating 5/5

watched yugapurushan .first of alll...hats off to d director-its a super classic.
but oru classic movieude oru tharatthilulla laggum yugapurushan feel cheyyikkunnillaaaaa...idu oru commerciaL classic aanennu vare parayam......aa reedhiyil aanu making thanx 2 d director.
movieye kurichu3 points aanu
njan ivde parayan aagrahikkunnadhu....
1-ee movie tharunna oru feel xtremly u wl feel happy afte watchin ths movie.........ndhoooo nalla oru pleasent atmosphere nammalariyaade ee movie create cheyyunnu......lotz of positive energy....adhu thanneyaanu ee movieude ettavum valya vijayam
2-thalaivasal vijay-atra peronnum illatha oru tamil actor aanu iyaalu ndhu perform cheyyaaan ennu aarenkilum vichaarichaal tettti...he is simply exellenT...lots of honours waitin 4 him surE
3-3aamatthe point aayi mammokkaye parayendi vannadil vishamam undu but parayaade vayya...atraikku vishamam unduuuu......sarikkum mammakkavendaannu vachadukondu maaatramaanu yugapurushan aavan thalaivasal vijayne konduvannadu ,but ikkaaaa,U missed badly missed ,orupaaadu orupaaadu unlimited aaya abinayasaadyadagal ullla charactor aayirunnu.....script is sooo stronnnng.....GUruvinte charactor atraikkum builD aanu...5...6...varsham ee charactornte builduppinuvendi scriptwise sraddichu ennokke director paranjappo viswasichirunnillaaa but film kandappo adu manasilaaayeeee......mammokka cheydirunnel adu CHARITRAM aaayene...national awd kodutthillel janaghal thallumaayirunnu juriye....atraikkum scope undaayirunnu.....nisabdamaaya noottanghal chalanangal ...bhaavabinayatthinte ella saadyadaghalum ulla charactor but missed.....anY way mammokkayde Role (K.C kuTTan)niraasappedutthillaaaaa.........he done wELL....even though lenghth is a bit short.
THn technically supperbhhhh.......alll other charactors are also stron...and d actors did it well,in shoRt reccomded to all good movie lovers..itz a wonderful cinematic experiance.

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Yugapurushan released in 48 centers....

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Mammootty remembers Haneefakka[follow the link]

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Calicut collection

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AVATAR:CROWN>>>>60,220,000 FROM 49 DAYS



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Chattambinadu on 44th day & Drona on 10th day...

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Vidya Balan opposite Mammootty in 'Mathilukalkkappuram'

Vidya Balan who has set many a heart aflutter with her sensitive portrayal of a rustic belle in 'Ishqiya' would soon be seen in Malayalam.

The actress would make her debut in Malayalam opposite none other than Megastar Mammootty in the film 'Mathilukalkkappuram' to be directed by Prasad.

'Mathilukalkkappuram' would continue with Basheer's story, from where Adoor left off in 'Mathilukal'. Prasad had finished scripting the film a couple of years back.

The camera would be wielded by Ravi K Chandran and the sound direction would be done by Resul Pookkutty. The film would be produced by Mammootty's own production company Playhouse.

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Tilakan should be admitted to a mental hospital????Tilakan's quotation team interrupted christian brother's shooting

Tilakan speaks against Mammootty in tv channels...Ithu prayamayathinte rogamanu...ithinu marunnilla...Athukondu mathram ee kelavane Mammootty fans veruthe vidunnu...allenkil iyale ee nattil irangi nadakkan Mammootty fans samathikkilla....He should be admitted to a mental hospital as soon as possible...

Comments from fans....


Thilakanu Jaathi Spirit Aanu Makkaley Dont Worry,,,

Moopparu Anganey Palathum Parayum,,,,, Nangaludey Naattil Ithinnu "Channi" (Kiru kiruppu)Yannu Parayum,,, Its a Disease due to old age,, Ithinnu Marunnilla,, , Prayamaaya,, Yallavarkkum Varunnathaanu, ,Not Only Thilakan,,, Itharathillavaroodu Prathikarikkaruth, Sahathapikkuka, ,Avarudey Bhudhiyillaymayey Orthu,,,,,,Silence, ,Thats Our Ikka policy,,,Perfomance its Shoulbe Depend up on Achivement.

Nammudey Ikka Athu Yathrayooo Prrove Chaythathaanu, ,,


thilakan angane paranjadu ottum shery alla, ayal ara angane parayan?


frnds... ikkaaayekkurichu enthokkeyaanu iyaaal vilichukoovunnathu? ????
ayaaal valya nadanaanennulla ahangaaramo? ????

ikka oru nalla nadanallaannokke parayaan iyaalaaraa.. .??//
iyaalde certificate onnum venda mammookkaakku. ....


dear friendsinnaley asianet news channelili thilakan thuranadikunnu
ennu programmil thilakan mammottyye orupadu insult cheythu
programmintey lastil thilkan paranju sreeraman enna nadan mammootyyudey
cinemayil kaiyum ketti nilkunna role cheyhtu nilpundakum pakshey
lalintey cinemayil aareyum anghaney kanilla karanaom lal nadan aanu,
lal veruthey aarenklum nilkkunathu kandal lal avarkku role medichu
kodukkum ennu what is this malayalam fim kanda stras il ettevum selfish
mohanlal annu ennittum ikkakku matram kuttam


Mammoottiyude thuni alkkan polum yugyatha illatha thendiyanu mammoottiyude actingine kurachu parayunnathu....


oru valya nadan aaanennu paranjittu kaaryamilla. ...
samskaaaram venam.... pinne vivaravum...

athu 2-um aa manushyanu theere kaanillaaannu thonnunnu.. athaanu ayaal kaattikkoottunnahu. ...

ikka ithuvare ithinekkurichu prathikarichillalll o....

kure kurachu kazhinjittu thaniye mathiyaakkikkollum ennu kkaakku manasilaaykkaanum. ...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Star of the year 2009:Mammootty

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Yugapurushan is releasing tomorrow...

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Roshan with Mammootty

Ace director Roshan Andrews who has managed to carve out a hit from his latest family movie with Mohanlal 'Ividam Swargam Aanu' will be calling the shots to the other super star Mammootty soon. The movie with Mammootty is likely to be produced by Carlton Karunakaran. It will be scripted by Bobby-Sanjay, who had worked with Roshan earlier, for the hit 'Notebook'. The movie is rumoured to be an investigative thriller. This project is expected to start by the final months of 2010.

Meanwhile Roshan is all set to start his next movie with Mohanlal titled as 'Casanova'. The much delayed movie will finally kick off in March.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Palerimanikyam completed 50 days in Tvm...

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hits of 2009


Pazhassi Raja


To Harihar Nagar
Puthiya Mukham


Makante Achan
Ivar Vivahitharaayal
Daddy Cool
Loud Speaker
Paleri Manikyam – May turn out to be a Hit because of strong mouth publicity

4.Average Hits:

Kerala Cafe
Pattanathil Bhootham

This is a fantastic record for Malayalam cinema for the past few years.

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Body guard - 6 days - 10,05,257

Happy Husbands - 15 days- 11,83,791

Chattambinadu - 35 days - 34,03,650

Ividam swargamanu - 35 days- 30,23,411

Drona - 2days- 2,76,320

Pazhassi Raja - 104 days- 1,27,74,414

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Cochin Haneefa is no more!

Veteran actor Cochin Haneefa is no more! The actor passed away today afternoon at Ramachandra hospital in Chennai.

His family was beside him during his last moments.

Haneefa has been under treatment for liver ailments for some time now.

He started his career in the 1970's as a villain and turned to be one of the popular comedians of Malayalam film industry. He has done more than 300 films in Malayalam, Tamil and Hindi films. As a filmmaker he is known for the melodrama Valtsalyam that was a runaway hit.

His last release was Siddiq's 'Bodyguard'.

Haneefa's body would be would be brought to his residence at Saligram where the public would be allowed to pay their last respects and then to Kochi by tomorrow afternoon. offers sincere condolences to the family of the great actor. May his soul rest in peace.

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'I'm lucky to get another movie with Mammootty'

After films like Pazhassi Raja, Bhagyadevatha and My Big Father, Kaniha is perhaps the hottest heroine in Malayalam cinema right now.

The engineer-turned-actor, who is now settled in the US after her marriage, has more reasons to smile as her latest release, Drona 2010, with Mammootty as the hero, releases on Wednesday.

Kaniha reveals more about the film, her career and her high profile film, Christian Brothers with Mohanlal to Meghna George.

You must be very happy with your dream run in Malayalam...

I am very happy [smiles]. This definitely is the best phase in my career not just because I have had consecutive hits, but because I am getting to work with great legends and portray versatile roles. So yes, I'm thrilled. It certainly feels good to be part of sensible movies, to play meaningful roles and also to experience success.

What is your role in Drona 2010?

I play Tulasimani, a role which I have always wanted to play. She is a very bubbly, talkative and innocent girl. I enjoyed playing her and especially speaking the Brahmanical language. It is a film that has a lot of suspense and mystery right from the start. Now that I have mentioned that it is a thriller, I can't say more.

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Monday, February 1, 2010


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Drona 2010 - Opening Week [Released on January 27

1.Thiruvananthapuram - Kripa, Kairali
2.Ernakulam - Shenoys
3.Kozhikode - Kairali, Ganga
4.Thrissur - Ramdas, Kairali
5.Kollam - Kumar
6.Kottayam - Anand (3 shows), Anaswara (Noon Show)
7.Alappuzha - Seethas
8.Palakkad - Aroma
9.Kannur - Savitha
10.Attingal - Kaveri
11.Nedumangad - Surya
12.Padanthalamoodu - IMP
13.Varkala - Vimala
14.Karunagappally - TNP
15.Anchal - Archana
16.Kottarakkara - Venus
17.Punalur - Ramraj
18.Pathanamthitta - Aishwarya
19.Adoor - Smitha
20.Kattapana - Sagara
21.Cherthala - Chithranjali
22.Pala - Universal
23.Erattupetta - Metro
24.Mundakkayam - Mundakkayam
25.Muvattupuzha - Vettukattil
26.Kothamangalam - Ann Cinema
27.Thodupuzha - New
28.Perumbavur - EVM 2
29.Aluva - Matha
30.Kochi - Kokkers
31.Paravur - Chithranjali
32.Chalakkudy - Ainikkal
33.Guruvayur - Balakrishna
34.Kanjani - Brahmakulam
35.Kodungallur - Mogul
36.Irinjalakuda - Sindhu
37.Shornur - Melam
38.Vadakkencherry - Thankam
39.Mannarkkad - Okaz
40.Perinthalmanna - Savitha, Sangeetha ??
41.Manjeri - Devaki Cinemax
42.Tirur - Chithrasagar
43.Nilambur - Fairyland
44.Ponnani - Lakshmi
45.Valancherry - Popular Paradise
46.Kottakkal - Sangeetha
47.Parappanangadi - Pallavi, Jayakerala (Noon Show)
48.Tanur - Jyothi (3 shows), PVS (MS, NS)
49.Vadakara - Keerthi
50.Quilandi - Ambadi
51.Bathery - Aishwarya
52.Mananthavadi - Jose
53.Kalpatta - Ananthaveera
54.Thalassery - Liberty Paradise
55.Payyanur - Shanthi, Archana
56.Iritty - Sreekrishna
57.Thaliparambu - New Harihar
58.Kanhangad - Vinayaka Paradise
59.Kasargod - Samrat

From January 30, 2010 (Opening week)
60.Changanassery - Abhinaya - 3 shows

Removals from extra theatres
1.Ernaklum - Little Shenoys - 3 Idiots - rmvd on 29.01.10 - 2 days
2.Thalassery - Liberty Movie House - Senior Mandrake - rmvd on 29.01.10 - 2 days
3.Manjeri - Sreedevi Cine Palace - Veer - rmvd on 29.01.10 - 2 days ??
4.Kollam - Pranavam (MS) - 1 day

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